Drawings of Gaudí

Antoni Gaudí was exceptionally gifted at drawing. Of the many who do, We store:

Magazine "The Ha
rlequin" (1867-1868) 
Bell gable of the Carmelites of Reus (c. 1867-1868) Coat of arms of Poblet (1870)
Solar clock (May 3, 1873)
First flag of the Obrera Mataronense (c. 1873-1874)
School drawing of a small lantern (1875)
Notes of the Chronicle of Muntaner (1875)
Confidence room for a family of regular fortune (1876-1877)
Professional card (1878)
Topographic map of Can Rosell de Llena
Reminder of the first mass of Fr. Norbert Font i Sagué
Dedicatory to the Orfeó Català

Josep Maria Tarragona, Feb 22, 2015

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Last update: 06/05/2016