Furniture designed by Gaudí

Altar Masnou (1876) Wardrobe of the young lady Malera (1876) Decoration of the Vilardell Pharmacy (1876) Decoration of the Glover’s shop Comella (1878) Showcase of the Glover's shop Comella (1878) Reliquary (1878) Own desk (1878) Decoration of the Gibert Pharmacy (1879) Furniture of the pantheon of the Marquis of Comillas (1878-1881) Chimney of the house Vicens in Alella (1880 to 1888) Cupboard of the house Vicens in Alella (1880 to 1888) Altar Bocabella (1890) Furniture of the house Calvet (1899) Interior of the sanctuary of Lluc (1908-1914) Pity banner (1900) Furniture for the Jesus–Maria nuns Banner of the Orfeó Feliuà Umbrella stand Dalmases Table of dining room in Sant Feliu de Codines Saloon of the Bar Torino Decoration of the house of the Marques of Castelldosrius Banner of the Blacksmiths' union Bust of Torras i Bages Vidriera Plandiura

Josep Maria Tarragona, November 27, 2008

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Last update: 06/05/2016