Childhood of Gaudí (1852-1863)

Gaudí was born in a society in full transformation. With the Industrial Revolution, it was emerging the bourgeois, the proletariat was formed and the population was emigrating from the field to the great city. Barcelona was growing, accumulating the energies and the illusions of all the Catalans. The love to Catalonia, forbidden for more than one century from the military defeat of 1714 against Spain and France, was returning to express publicly, from the poem "The Patria" of Aribau (1833), with which there begins the Renaissance, "The Renaixença". The catholic Church began her Age of Gold in Catalonia, with figures of the height of Claret, Verdaguer or Torras i Bages. Gaudí was born in a coppersmiths' family, independent economically though very modest. They were Reus's urban family but with deep roots in the small rural property of Riudoms. Anton was born on June 25, 1852. On the following day he was baptized in the church of Sant Pere of Reus. Anton followed the elementary education in the college of Francesc Berenguer in Reus. But he was a sick child, suffering from rheumatic fevers, which were forcing him pass a lot of time in Riudoms, in the field, without being able to follow the classes. On the other hand, Anton was helping his father in the workshop. He learned of him the virtues of the work and the transformation of the surfaces in volume, thing that facilitated very much his spatial imagination.

Josep Maria Tarragona, October 17, 2006

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