Academic year 1874-1875: Anton is admitted in Architecture

In 1874, the School of Architecture had moved to the new new mediaeval building of the University of Barcelona, work of Elies Rogent, installing in the second floor of the tower of the clock. There Gaudí was examined to enter at last in the career. On the 5th September of 1874, he approved "Copy of plaster", of the preparatory course. On the 15th October of 1874, approved the "Rational Mechanics" in the Faculty of Sciences, where he had it pending before his admission at School of Architecture. On the 21st October of 1874, the board formed by Elies Rogent, Joan Torras and Josep Vilaseca approved him of "French" and the "Drawing" of admission. With this they opened the admission to the School, which was formalized on the 24th October of 1874. On the same 21 of October of 1874, the board formed by Joan Torras, August Font and Josep Vilaseca suspended him in “Mecánica aplicada, resistencia de materiales, exposición y aplicación de las fórmulas de estabilidad de las construcciones y estudio de los motores más usados. Aprovechamiento de agua y desarrollo de proyectos y conducción”. And the board formed by Leandre Serrallach, Antoni Rovira and Josep Vilaseca suspended him in “Estereotomía de la piedra, de la madera y del hierro y aplicaciones de la geometría descriptiva y gnomónica”. Some days afterwards, on 5 August November, the board formed by Joan Torras, Font and Josep Vilaseca, identical to the one that had suspended in Mechanics, approved him “Dibujo a la aguada, para copiar edificios o sus partes principales”. On the 6th, he approved of the sketch of Projects I, denominated “Ensayos de invención de partes de edificios o conjuntos de decoración”. On the 17th November he presented the development and he was suspended by Leandre Serrallach, Antoni Rovira Rabassa and Josep Vilaseca. Little afterwards, the party of saint Steve of 1874, it was put in Mataró the first stone of the factory of the Obrera Mataronense, the first factory property of its workers of the Iberian peninsula. It had not been projected by Gaudí, who was not qualified for this, however, yet in the solemn act that brought about that utopian idea, it highlighted the flag drawn by the student Anton Gaudí.

Josep Maria Tarragona, April 9, 2007

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